Did Your Confidence Take A Beating Last Year? Let’s Work On That’

By Julia Rees, Senior Managing Editor

Posted on 3 min read

Welcome back to The Code of Style, and this feature about ´Did Your Confidence Take A Beating Last Year? Let’s Work On That’

Did your confidence take a beating last year? If it did, you’re not alone. For a lot of us the last year was super hard to get through, and it hurt a lot of people. But, we made it! We all made it and now it’s time to work on getting back what was taken, and potentially even seeing better results than before. What are the steps that you can take to get there though?

Well, we’re glad that you asked because that’s what we’re going to be looking at right now

Did Your Confidence Take A Beating Last Year? Let’s Work On That’


What Is Making You Feel Bad?

The first thing that you need to do is identify what is making you lose your confidence and feel bad about yourself? Perhaps bad is not the right word to use there, but it’s the closest that we can think of to describe the feeling that so many of us experience. Anyway, once you have identified the problem, you can then start working on the solution.


For example, if you know that the issue is because you are aging and you are struggling with the physical signs of that, you could look into some types of surgery. You can get more info about the surgery here to give you more of an idea about this

What Lifestyle Changes Can You Make?

It’s always worth looking at your lifestyle and seeing what kind of changes that you can make to make yourself feel better. The most obvious ones would be to look at your diet and exercise habits. It’s true that for most of us these could be improved quite dramatically, and if you know that this is the case for you then we recommend making these changes asap. You have no idea how much better you are going to feel until you actually take the time to make these improvements, but you will certainly be glad that you did.

self care tips

Are You Surrounded By Negativity?

The last thing that we’re going to leave you to think about is whether or not you are surrounded by negativity in your life. If you are constantly around people who are tearing you down, or making little comments here and there about things you do/say/wear or whatever else, it’s time to make some changes.

Try talking to these people and telling them how you feel, but if this doesn’t work then don’t feel guilty when you cut them off. They handed you the scissors with their attitude, and you need to do what’s best for you

In Conclusion : Did Your Confidence Take A Beating Last Year? Let’s Work On That’

So there you have it then! These are some of the things that you can do if you want to work on your confidence after it’s taken a beating. It’s never too late to work on getting your confidence back, and the more that you are willing to reflect, the easier it will come. Eventually you just need to realize that you are amazing no matter what, but it doesn’t hurt to give yourself a helping hand to see that.


We hope you found this article about Did Your Confidence Take A Beating Last Year? Let’s Work On That‘ helpful and you can have a look here for more of our health and wellness features.

I’m Julia, the Senior Managing Editor and I can’t wait to share some more articles with you again soon! In the meantime you can find more style, lifestyle and travel inspiration on  “The Velvet Runway” .

Thank you for reading 

Website: The Velvet Runway  , Instagram : @thevelvetrunway

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Did Your Confidence Take A Beating Last Year? Let’s Work On That’