5 Reasons to stop wearing heels

By Julia Rees, Senior Managing Editor

Posted on 3 min read

Welcome back to The Code of Style, and this feature about 5 Reasons to stop wearing heels

Wearing high heels every now and then for special occasions is fun. But putting them on all the time can cause problems – and not just for your feet and legs. 

reasons to stop wearing heels

This article takes a look at all the reasons you should probably stop wearing heels. Here’s what you need to know. 

5 Reasons to stop wearing heels

It’ll Improve Toe Sensation

Heels put a lot of pressure on your toes and this, in turn, can damage the nerves that supply the tips of the feet. `

reasons to stop wearing heels

If you keep causing damage, you can wind up with a type of neuropathy in the toes which is both annoying and painful. 

It’ll Reduce Back Pain

Most people think that wearing heels only affects their lower body. But when you consider it more deeply, you also notice that it changes your back position, too. 

Short-term, that’s not a problem and it shouldn’t cause any harm. However, over the long run, wearing heels can change the structure of the back of your body. 

The reason for this is that heels place extra pressure on the back. They increase muscle demand, right up through the body’s trunk, from the feet to the top of the neck. 

when you should stop ignoring back pain

Wearing heels also forces you to tilt your pelvis back. This action can affect the lower spine and leave it out of alignment. It can also result in chronic lower back pain if you are not careful. 

It’ll Stop Fungal Infections

People go to the podiatrist all the time complaining of fungal infections. These occur when various species get a foothold, literally, in your feet and start multiplying. 

Pointed shoes put you at a higher risk of developing fungal infections. That’s because the pressure on toenails can weaken them, making disease more likely. 

When you stop wearing this type of shoe, the nails have a chance to repair and go back to normal. 

It’ll Reduce Deformities

Perhaps the biggest reason not to wear heels is the risk of foot deformities, something that affects most people who wear them. Heels squish and push feet in directions they shouldn’t go in, leaving you with toes pointing in the wrong direction, and big bulges on the side of your feet. 

Most people develop bunions. These are big callous lumps on the side of their feet the body uses to protect itself from the pressure of the shoes. 

Others develop a “hammer toe.” This occurs when there is an abnormal bend in the middle joint that makes toes look like hammers. 

The good news is this: if you don’t have these deformities yet, there’s still time to protect yourself. If you stop wearing heels now, it will eliminate the forces pushing bones and ligaments in your feet into the wrong position. 

It’ll Reduce The Risk Of Falling Over

Lastly, heel wearers are at a higher risk of falls compared to those who wear flats. You’re also much less likely to twist your ankle. 

reasons to stop wearing heels

Flats, therefore, are safer from an everyday perspective than heels. Just be careful, though, if you wear heels all the time. Transitioning to flats can actually increase the risk of a fall.

We hope this article about 5 Reasons to stop wearing heels was helpful.

I’m Julia, the Senior Managing Editor and I can’t wait to share some more articles with you again soon! In the meantime you can find more style, lifestyle and travel inspiration on  “The Velvet Runway” .

Thank you for reading 

Website: The Velvet Runway  , Instagram : @thevelvetrunway

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5 Reasons to stop wearing heels