5 Ways To Feel More Like Yourself Again

By Julia Rees, Senior Managing Editor

Posted on 3 min read

Welcome back to The Code of Style, and this feature about 5 Ways To Feel More Like Yourself Again

If you have been walking through life recently and not quite feeling like yourself there can be many reasons for this. You may be struggling emotionally or mentally and this is perfectly okay, the saying it’s okay not to be okay is very true. Your issues could be caused by certain stresses in your life. If you get to the bottom of these then you may be that little bit closer to the light at the end of the tunnel. There are certain things you can do to try and get your old self back. 

5 Ways To Feel More Like Yourself Again

Have a medical check-up

If you are called to the doctors, dentists, or opticians for a check then it is well worth attending. They can check for anything untoward that might be making you feel this way. Checkups can catch things that you may not have noticed as of yet, for instance, routine inspections can find undiscovered lumps and bumps.

However, if you notice anything in the meantime and you think you need to wait to see your doctor then this isn’t the case. 

See a dentist

If you have noticed an issue with your teeth then a dentist will be able to help you with this. You should always attend your dentist appointments as this can help spot an infection or mouth ulcer forming.

If you are having problems with anything then it is well worth getting it looked into. If you are looking for an amazing dentist then Smiles By Mace will be your savior. 

Invest in a new wardrobe

If your confidence issues are being caused by your clothes and other bits in your wardrobe then it may be time for a clearout. Old clothes can bring you down, especially if they are connected to certain memories. Taking a trip to the shops can lift your spirits, you may find an outfit that you absolutely love.

If you are unsure of which clothes to choose then why not try some on to see what they look like? The shop assistant can help you with this if you speak to them. 

Visit the hairdresser

Something else to consider is whether or not you are having a bad hair day. These happen frequently and it is all about how you manage them. Some people simply wear hats when their hair becomes unruly, other people run to the hairdressers. If you don’t like how your hair is making you feel then how about changing it up a little?

You could make an appointment at the local hair salon and change your look entirely. You will leave feeling like a different person. 

Connect with Others

Finally, if you feel the issue is deeper-rooted then it may be worthwhile speaking to a professional about it. You may have surrounded yourself with toxic people who have taken their toll on your mental and emotional well-being. This is not your fault, although you may feel like it is at the moment.

Take a look at which type of therapy you want to try, this could be individual one-to-one therapy or group therapy where you meet with others in a similar position to yourself.

We hope that you have found this article about  5 Ways To Feel More Like Yourself Again helpful, and you can have a look here for more of our health and wellness features.

I’m Julia, the Senior Managing Editor and I can’t wait to share some more articles with you again soon! In the meantime you can find more style, lifestyle and travel inspiration on  “The Velvet Runway” .

Thank you for reading 

Website: The Velvet Runway  , Instagram : @thevelvetrunway

Laced Up Looks for Fall
5 Ways To Feel More Like Yourself Again