Are You Doing All You Can For Your Smile?

By Julia Rees, Senior Managing Editor

Posted on 3 min read

Welcome back to The Code of Style, and this feature about Are You Doing All You Can For Your Smile?

There are plenty of reasons to make sure that you take good care of your smile, as it can affect your look, your confidence, and, most importantly, your health in the years to come. However, are you doing everything that you can to make sure that your smile is at its best? Here are a few tips worth keeping in mind.

Are You Doing All You Can For Your Smile?

Maintain good oral health habits

Ensure that your oral health routine is everything that it should be. Spend three minutes, two times a day brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush. Floss after every meal if possible, but at least once a day.

Doing All You Can For Your Smile

Rinsing with mouthwash isn’t as vital as these, but can be great for preventing the rise of gum disease, so do it after eating, too.

Be mindful of what you put in your mouth

The best solution to any health problem is prevention, where possible. When it comes to your teeth, sugary drinks (especially carbonated ones) and caffeine are the two risks that you need to be most aware of. Sugary drinks cause the bacteria in the teeth to spread and to release acid, which leads to tooth decay.

Even if you brush and floss, you should be ready to rinse your mouth every time you have a sugary drink. Caffeinated drinks can do much the same if they have sugar in them, but are also one of the most common causes of discoloration.

Start making regular trips to the dentist

If you’re the kind of person who only visits the dentist when there’s something wrong, then that is something that you’re going to have to change. Teams like East Mountain Dental aren’t just there to fix your teeth when you need it, but to find problems before they need to be fixed.

A routine trip to the dentist and highlighting issues that can be treated early can save you a lot of money, too.

Ask about cosmetic treatments

If there are problems there, you shouldn’t just learn to live with them. It’s very likely that there are cosmetic solutions that can help you restore your smile and live with a little more confidence.

This can include things like an alignment for slightly crooked teeth, veneers to cover teeth that have been discolored, and crowns for damaged teeth, for instance.

Switch to sugar-free gum

If you are something of a gum chewer, then the sooner that you get away from sugar gum, the better. However, aside from just using it as a replacement, chewing gum after a meal can also help to clear out the mouth a little.

Doing All You Can For Your Smile

When you chew gum, your mouth produces more saliva, which in turn can help to soften and dislodge the food particles stuck between your teeth. Gum that contains xylitol is even better for you.

If you take care of your smile, it’s not just your teeth that are going to improve. Your self-confidence, your range of expression, and your ability to live life a little more freely, without worrying about how you look when you open your mouth, are all well worth it.

We hope that you have found this article about  “Are You Doing All You Can For Your Smile?” helpful, and you can have a look here for more of our health and wellness features.

I’m Julia, the Senior Managing Editor and I can’t wait to share some more articles with you again soon! In the meantime you can find more style, lifestyle and travel inspiration on  “The Velvet Runway” .

Thank you for reading 

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Are You Doing All You Can For Your Smile?