The Importance of a Good Smile

By Julia Rees, Senior Managing Editor

Posted on 3 min read

Welcome back to The Code of Style, and this feature about The Importance of a Good Smile and Why You Should Care About It

Many people don’t really understand the importance of a good smile these days. They tend not to think so much about the implications that their dental health could have, and it’s not uncommon for them to overlook visiting the dentist. So in this post, we’re going to cover some of the top reasons why a good smile is important and why you should be caring about it.

A smile is the best makeup a girl could wear

Marilyn Monroe

The Importance of a Good Smile and Why You Should Care About It

It helps you look and feel better

One of the biggest reasons to look after your smile is for cosmetic purposes. Smiling is powerful and infectious, but we’re afraid to do it unless we have a healthy set of teeth.

The Importance of a Good Smile

If you focus on different ways to improve your smile, you can feel and look better about yourself. It instills you with a sense of confidence, and it gives you the strength to be more outgoing. It’ll even help you be more romantic because you’ll be able to kiss your date or partner without being worried about your breath or teeth, and you’ll be much happier posing for photographs.

It could help with your career

You can even improve your career opportunities with help from a good smile. It helps with your presentation and it gives people a much better first impression.


While it might not be the driving force behind a promotion, it’ll definitely give you a sense of confidence and drastically improve your overall appearance to make you seem more professional on the outside.

Looking after your teeth now saves you a lot of money in the future

It’s a good idea to remember that looking after your teeth now and focusing on a good smile can actually save you money in the future. This is because cosmetic procedures, tooth replacements, and even tooth removals can cost a lot of money. In fact, it could be far more expensive than you’re willing to pay.

While you can certainly reduce the costs with help from dental services like, it’s never a bad idea to minimize future costs by taking better care of your teeth today. You’ll feel much better about your teeth and you’ll realize just how much money you can potentially save.

It can help you relieve stress

It’s more common than you think to be stressed about dental-related problems. Not only does the cost quickly climb up and cause us to worry about our savings, but the pain and aches associated with bad dental health can also start affecting us mentally.

By focusing on good dental health, you’ll find that you can quickly relieve the stress associated with tooth-related issues and you’ll feel a lot better about yourself too.

The Importance of a Good Smile

It’s often said that a smile can help improve your mood when you’re feeling down due to the muscles that we use in our cheeks when smiling. You’re more likely to do this when you have a great set of teeth, turning a smile into one of the best weapons you have against stress and anxiety.

I hope you enjoyed this article about The Importance of a Good Smile and Why You Should Care About It and have a look here for more of our health & wellness features.

I’m Julia, the Senior Managing Editor and I can’t wait to share some more articles with you again soon! In the meantime you can find more luxury style, lifestyle and travel inspiration on  “The Velvet Runway” .

Thank you for reading 

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The Importance of a Good Smile