Welcome back to The Code of Style, and today I want to introduce you to Ele Keats Jewelry, the brand that is harnessing the healing power of gemstones, and which you can see dazzling the bodies of Goldie Hawn, Kate Hudson, and Selma Blair.
“In life, if you’re supposed to do something it just finds you. I always say jewelry found me. Everything came about with an effortless flow –all the doors opened for me at once and I knew that it was meant to be. ” –
Ele Keats
Designer, actress, and business owner Ele Keats founded her jewelry treasure trove shortly after a breakthrough year in 2004 when a trusted mentor advised her to take her search for the perfect emerald necklace into her own hands. Keats created her signature Divinity Necklace and the Ele Keats Jewelry brand was born.

After many years of working with crystals and gemstones, she has become attuned to these little treasures, considering each piece “gem medicine”. With a deep understanding of the intimacy of jewelry, her intention is twofold: to make each piece beautiful while bearing in mind the stone’s healing properties.
Keat’s inspired collection includes some of the most powerful healing crystals such as:

Rutilated Quartz – this stone is excellent for receiving spiritual inspiration for creative endeavors and enhancing psychic abilities. It carries a joyful vibration and can lighten one’s emotional or mental burdens.
Amethyst – A protective stone, which adapts its high vibrational energy to assist in providing its wearer with a shield of wellness in any space.

Tanzanite – the stone of compassion & empathy, it is commonly believed to facilitate a higher consciousness and stimulate intuition and perception.
Citrine – The ultimate stone of abundance, prosperity, and success. It encourages generosity and sharing while helping one hold onto wealth with a grateful heart.
Rose Quartz – One of the most powerful spiritual allies, rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love and peace. It purifies and opens the heart and brings deep inner healing and self-love.
A crystal Shepard, Keats is a natural treasure hunter of the earth. She follows her inner guidance when choosing crystals and is always grateful to unite these little beauties with their human companions.

I hope you enjoyed this article about Ele Keats Jewelry, (Instagram : @elekeatsjewelry) harnessing the healing power of gemstones, and have a look here for more of our features.
I’m Julia, the Senior Managing Editor and I can’t wait to share some more articles with you again soon! In the meantime you can find more inspiration on my blog “The Velvet Runway” .
Thank you for reading

Website: The Velvet Runway : Instagram: @julia.rees_
Photo credits: @cnecessaryphotography and @e.noelle.photo
About Ele Keats: Ele Keats was born in Paris, and raised in Europe, New York and Los Angeles. She is the eldest of two daughters. Her mother, a Ford model, traveled extensively with the girls, introducing them to a variety of cultures, which gave them a broad perspective of the world.
At age 17, she joined her mother and sister on a spiritual trip to India which marked the beginning of her love affair with gemstones. 2004 was a breakthrough year for Ele. She received guidance from a trusted mentor, and she learned that she needed to wear an Emerald for its healing and protective qualities. Searching far and wide, she couldn’t find exactly what she had envisioned, leading her to design her own necklace which she still wears today: The Divinity Emerald, and that was the start of Ele Keats Jewelry collection.
The Jewelry : Ele focuses on the healing and supportive aspects of each gem. After many years of working with crystals and gems, she is attuned to the stones. and she works only with ethical stones and takes every measure to ensure that the process of creating the jewelry from start to finish is done with mindfulness and consideration to the earth and all beings.