Welcome back to The Code of Style, and this feature about Five Great Ideas for Your Child’s Bedroom
Decorating any room in your house is a fun activity, but decorating your Child’s bedroom is one of the best things you can do with your spare time. You want to give your children everything you never had, and sometimes that can be a beautifully decorated bedroom. When it comes to decorating your child’s bedroom, in my opinion, you should be ready to face a lot of trouble – not really, but children are interchangeable in the sense that one minute they love one colour and the next day they have four new favorite colors.
So, while you should let them have some input on some things, you should make sure that the big decisions are left to you. From buying kids beds at Cuckooland to ensuring that they have the right storage, you can make sure that your children’s bedrooms are comfortable and they stand out for the right reasons. Are you ready to find out what the best ideas are for your children’s bedroom? Let’s read on – we have five of them for you.

Five Great Ideas for Your Child’s Bedroom
Installing proper storage.
Installing proper storage. It doesn’t matter how old the children are, they need proper storage in their bedroom for all of their things. Having cabinets built-in to the room, or having Modular furniture to access storage as well as chairs or beds, will ensure that you have a space for everything in your Child’s bedroom.

It’s not easy to do this, but there are plenty of storage options online that you can take inspiration from.
Think about removable wallpaper.
Children – as we said – like to change their minds a lot, so if you use removable wallpaper rather than pasted wallpaper, you’ll be able to allow them to ask for different designs every month or whenever they wish. Peel and stick removable wallpapers are very affordable and they are super easy to install. The best part here is that they last a long time, so if your child does decide to try and rip some paper one day, it’s easily replaced.
Think about your lighting options.
If you have older children, the chances are quite high that they would like to have reading lights for bedtime.

A side lamp can also help when they wake up with nightmares or they get worried through the night that is too dark. Everybody should have a properly lit room, so make sure that you have the right lightbulbs with the right brightness so that they can see into every corner if necessary.
Add a dressing table.
Both boys and girls like to use a mirror to see what they look like in the morning. I think a dressing table for a girl that has a backflip mirror will help them to improve their self confidence and self-esteem. It also gives somewhere for your children to have easy storage for all of the jewelry, personal belongings or any make up pieces that your older children may have
Put a lock on the door.

Lastly, you may want to consider installing a lock on the door on the inside. This is especially true for older children and teenagers, but make sure that you are still able to unlock it from the other side of the door just in case!
We hope that you have found this article about Five Great Ideas for Your Child’s Bedroom helpful, and you can have a look here for more of our lifestyle features.
I’m Julia, the Senior Managing Editor and I can’t wait to share some more articles with you again soon! In the meantime you can find more style, lifestyle and travel inspiration on “The Velvet Runway” .
Thank you for reading

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