How to integrate working out into your daily life

By Julia Rees, Senior Managing Editor

Posted on 4 min read

Meeting your health and fitness goals can be difficult, but these tips for how to integrate working out into your daily life should make it that bit easier!

When it comes to getting in shape, it isn’t always easy or convenient, is it? Often life gets in the way of making time to work out and stay active, which can mean that meeting your fitness and health goals can become extremely difficult. When life is busy, it’s natural to put your health goals on the back burner, but this isn’t a habit that you want to get into. 

If you are going to be able to achieve your fitness goals, you need to get into the habit of fitting your workouts and exercise around your daily life. Wondering what steps you can take to make fitting more exercise into your daily life a little easier? Below is a guide to a few simple ways that you can make working out more convenient and easier to fit in, regardless of how busy your schedule is. 

integrate working out into your daily life
Photo source: Pixabay

Read on for all of the best tips and ideas for ways in which you can integrate working out into your daily life and make it easier to make staying active a habit.

Get your steps in 

One of the most important things that you can do when it comes to being more active is to make sure to fit your steps in each day. It is recommended that you do at least 10,000 steps per day, but making time to get those steps in isn’t always easy is it? A great hack to get enough steps in is to walk to and from work, if you live close enough to do so, of course. By walking to work and home from work, you make exercise a part of your daily schedule, meaning that it fits seamlessly in. You could also opt to walk around while you’re in meetings as a way of getting your steps up further. 

Photo source: Pixabay

Also, having a plan is the difference between the individual who makes a New Year’s resolution to work out and quits a few months later, and the one who sticks with it. And in order to ensure you stick to your goals, you could plan to meet a friend for a lunchtime walk, as the added accountability will ensure you stick to it.

Workout at home 

integrate working out into your daily life
Photo source: Pexels

A great way to make exercising easier is to take steps to allow you to work out at home. You will find that working out at home makes the process easier as you don’t have to leave your home to be able to workout; you’re able to workout in the comfort of your own home. It’s just a case of making sure that you have the ideal place to workout, such as having enough room within your home to actually be able to workout. It’s also a good idea to invest in a few pieces of kit to make working out at home easier, such as an AeroTrainer, for instance. Believe it or not, you can make working out at home fun, exciting and simple, it’s just a case of making sure that you have everything that you need in place to do so. 

Lead a more active life

Photo source: Pexels

To make staying in shape easier, it’s important to take steps to lead a more active life. If you’re someone who usually spends their weekends watching the television instead of getting out and about and being active, it’s time to change that. If you want to feel healthier, then it’s important that you take steps to integrate fitness into your daily life, such as spending your free time tackling local bike trails or trekking on local hiking paths. 

Make it fun

integrate working out into your daily life
Photo source: Pixabay

There’s no law that says exercise has to be boring. if you plan to workout by doing what you love, you’re much more likely to have the motivation to see it through.

If you love dance, try an online Zumba class for a great way to get your cardio workout. If you hate running but enjoy playing tennis, then by all means use tennis as a source of cardio.

Pick your time of day

Find the best time of day that suits you. If you’re not a morning person and your energy levels are low early in the day, then don’t choose that time to exercise. Conversely, if you’re always exhausted at the end of the day then avoid scheduling your workouts here.

When it comes to integrating working out into your daily life, the above guide should help to make the process a little easier and less stressful, and you can also have a look here for some of our other lifestyle posts.

“Look good, Feel good, Live your best life”

The Velvet , Instagram @julia.rees_

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How to integrate working out into your daily life