Is Your Business an LLC or Corporation?

By Julia Rees, Senior Managing Editor

Posted on 4 min read

Welcome back to The Code of Style, and this feature about Is Your Business an LLC or Corporation?

Starting a new venture can be like setting off on an epic journey, filled with twists, turns, and unexpected detours. One important decision early on in your business journey will be whether or not to structure as an LLC or Corporation. Both options offer distinct benefits.

Making the wrong choice could have serious ramifications on growth trajectory, legal obligations, tax implications.

Is Your Business an LLC or Corporation?


1. The Tale of the LLC: Flexibility Meets Protection

An LLC (Limited Liability Company) is often heralded for its unique combination of flexibility and protection. At its core, LLCs offer personal liability protection to their owners (also called members). This essentially separates personal assets from business assets for greater peace of mind. LLCs also provide the owners with more flexibility in terms of management and taxation.

Owners may choose whether to manage the company themselves, appoint managers, or take both approaches simultaneously. From a taxation perspective, LLCs offer flexibility when it comes to adopting different tax treatments depending on what best fits the business’s needs. Such adaptability makes LLCs an appealing option for entrepreneurs looking to protect personal assets while taking advantage of flexible management and tax benefits.

2. The Corporate Affair: Structure, Scale, and Stability

Corporations represent structure, scale, and stability. By creating a Corporation, you establish a legal entity which can own assets, incur liabilities and enter into contracts independently from its shareholders. Corporations offer strong protection for personal assets, making them an appealing option for businesses expecting substantial growth or needing substantial investments.

Is Your Business an LLC or Corporation?

Corporations typically feature more formal structures, requiring a board of directors, regular meetings and meticulous records keeping. Such an organizational framework can be beneficial when trying to attract investors as it increases transparency and accountability. Corporations have the option to issue stock, providing them with a powerful tool for raising capital and providing employees with incentive through stock options. Tax-wise, corporations must abide by corporate tax rates. So corporations are an attractive choice for ambitious entrepreneurs looking for long-term success and profitability.

3. Which One is Right for You?

Deciding between an LLC or Corporation depends upon your business goals, size and vision for its future development.

  • Think Big, Think Corporation: If your goals include aggressive growth, significant outside investment or possibly going public, a corporation is probably your best bet. Established structures, potential stock issuance options and perceived stability allow corporations to easily attract high-profile investors while scaling quickly.
  • Stay Agile With an LLC: If flexibility, simplicity, and ease of management are important to you or if you run a smaller operation, an LLC structure might be more suitable than its alternatives. Less onerous administrative requirements and favorable tax treatment make the LLC structure appealing for startups, freelancers, and small businesses alike.
  • Consult the Experts: No one-size-fits-all rule exists when it comes to business structures. Choosing one suited specifically to your individual needs can be complex. Speaking to legal and financial advisors will help ensure an informed decision that lays the groundwork for future success for your company.
  • Don’t Forget the EIN: Whatever business structure you select, obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN) is crucial. Issued through an online EIN registration service, an EIN provides your business with a unique identifier similar to what individuals would use a Social Security number for themselves. An EIN serves many purposes, opening bank accounts and filing taxes being examples, while hiring employees also require it. Getting one early helps comply with federal regulations as well as establish professional credentials.

In Conclusion :
Is Your Business an LLC or Corporation?

Deliberating on whether your business should operate as an LLC or Corporation is more than just legalese, it’s a fundamental element of its future success. Each structure offers distinct benefits and challenges that depend on your business model, growth ambitions, operational framework and operational sphere of influence. Choosing between agile adaptability of an LLC or structured stability of a Corporation positions your business for success. Remember every empire started from somewhere, so make your decision carefully to march forward with confidence.

We hope you found this article about Is Your Business an LLC or Corporation? helpful and you can have a look here for more of our lifestyle features.

I’m Julia, the Senior Managing Editor and I can’t wait to share some more articles with you again soon! In the meantime you can find more style, lifestyle and travel inspiration on  “The Velvet Runway” .

Thank you for reading 

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Is Your Business an LLC or Corporation?