Making A Physical Commitment To Improving Your Confidence

By Julia Rees, Senior Managing Editor

Posted on 3 min read

Welcome back to The Code of Style, and this feature about Making A Physical Commitment To Improving Your Confidence.

The way that we dress and the look that we adopt can do a lot to help us feel confident in expressing ourselves. However, there are some that feel like they just don’t look right, whatever they wear. This issue is just as often a product of poor self-esteem rather than anything more objective, but there’s no denying that making practical changes can result in a mindset improvement, as well.

As such, here, we’re going to look at the physical steps you can take to improve your confidence.

Making A Physical Commitment To Improving Your Confidence

Making A Physical Commitment To Improving Your Confidence

1. Start paying attention to your body language

If you are used to expressing yourself in a shy or nervous way, then it’s no surprise that this habit can affect how you see yourself, as well. The opposite can be just as true. Adopting positive and confident body language can help you start to feel positive and confident, too.

Perhaps the most important way to start is to practice good posture, as shown at, which not only improves your self-esteem but improves how others perceive you, too.

2. Invest time in your grooming

When you’re lacking in confidence, the thought of spending time on your grooming can feel like wasting your effort. However, the simple practice of managing consistent care for your hair, nails, and skin is like a confidence-building ritual, showing yourself some real self-love.


With the help of services like, you can give yourself a real boost. A new hairstyle can do wonders to help you feel like you’re making a whole new impression on the world.

3. Work on your smile

Being able to smile freely and happily will greatly change how others perceive you. You can find reacting more warmly and engaging more often with you. This can be hard if you’re not confident in your smile, of course. If you’re not, maybe a visit to an orthodontist is a good starting point?

Making A Physical Commitment To Improving Your Confidence

Take the time to build a smile that you love, not only through improving your dental hygiene, but by looking at the cosmetic and restorative options that can address issues such as discoloration, damage, and even missing teeth.

4. Take care of yourself

Beyond everything else mentioned above, one of the most important foundations for confidence and self-esteem is a healthy body and a healthy mind. You can get started with the first by picking up exercise, whether it’s attending classes near you or even finding good bodyweight exercises to get started in your own home.

Effective nutrition is crucial, too, and you can find great meal-planning guides online to help you do just that.

5. Practice mindfulness

When it comes to a healthy mind, addressing your self-esteem issues should be a priority. While it’s always worth seeing if counseling might be right for you, you can also take on habits such as mindfulness meditation, which can help you find a moment of peace and reflection throughout your day to really investigate how your mind works.


In Conclusion :
Making A Physical Commitment To Improving Your Confidence

Taking steps towards self-improvement will usually result in a better mindset, but with the tips above, you can really start to see the difference, as well.

We hope you found this article about Making A Physical Commitment To Improving Your Confidence helpful and you can have a look here for more of our health and wellness features.

I’m Julia, the Senior Managing Editor and I can’t wait to share some more articles with you again soon! In the meantime you can find more style, lifestyle and travel inspiration on  “The Velvet Runway” .

Thank you for reading 

Website: The Velvet Runway  , Instagram : @thevelvetrunway

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Making A Physical Commitment To Improving Your Confidence