Welcome back to The Code of Style, and this feature about How To Look After The Body & Mind This Year.
When it comes to looking after the body and mind, both need the same attention. The body looks after the mind. The mind looks after the body. When one of these isn’t being provided for enough, it can send the whole system into meltdown.
There are a number of ways in which a person can help look after their body and mind more. Here are a few examples as a starting point if the struggle is real right now!
How To Look After The Body & Mind This Year
Strike a good work-life balance
A good work-life balance is easier said than done. Not all jobs cater to providing enough time to unwind and reset. There will always be people who will be waiting to take a job from someone who isn’t willing to sacrifice their personal time anymore.
Trying to get the right balance is difficult and can have some semblance of success at times. Knowing boundaries is important and communicating with managers and superiors is going to help strike the right work-life ratio.
I get asked pretty often how I manage “work-life balance.” The true answer is, with great difficulty and varied success. I try to learn from mistakes. Some days it works! Others it doesn’t.
— Jessica Schleider, PhD (@JSchleiderPhD) September 29, 2022
No advice, just validation that it’s enough to be doing the best you can a day at a time.
Get deep with a therapist
When it comes to understanding the mind, sometimes it cannot be tackled alone. It can often require the advice and guidance of a professional therapist or counseller. From a sex therapist that can help understand problems in the bedroom to a psychologist that can help tap into previous trauma.
Therapy is normal and it’s something that should be embraced by anyone without the stigma that can often come with it.
Create a skincare routine and stick to it
As we get older, the skin doesn’t have the same elasticity or barriers it once had.
With that being said, creating a skincare routine and sticking to that routine on a daily basis is going to make a big difference to the look and feel of the skin in general.
Get more sleep
Try to get more sleep where you can. A poor sleep routine can lead to health problems that can eventually creep up and have a drastic impact on the quality of life.
The average person should be getting between seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Make sure that’s happening!
Be surrounded by the right people
Finally, make sure that the people in life are the right ones to be surrounded by. It can very easily transpire that some friends don’t have the best intentions at heart.
It’s important that there are only people in your life that are building themselves up.
Looking after the body and mind is very 2022, so incorporate these tips to better both this year. We hope that you have found this article about How To Look After The Body & Mind This Year helpful, and you can have a look here for more of our health and wellness features.
I’m Julia, the Senior Managing Editor and I can’t wait to share some more articles with you again soon! In the meantime you can find more style, lifestyle and travel inspiration on “The Velvet Runway” .
Thank you for reading
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