How To Help A Smoker In Your Life Quit

By Julia Rees, Senior Managing Editor

Posted on 3 min read

Welcome back to The Code of Style, and this feature about How To Help A Smoker In Your Life Quit.

Everyone likes to help their friends. But of course, how they help can depend on the life circumstances they’re going through. It might just be driving them to the hospital, providing a couch to sleep on if they break up with their partner, or giving them a pep talk before going in for that job interview.

It can also be worthwhile to help your friend make better health choices. That’s not to say you’ll dictate how they live or treat them like a patient, as joining forces to make better decisions can be a lovely way to secure your bond. Maybe you just go to yoga twice a week.

If your friend mentions wanting to change a particular life habit, such as quitting smoking, it can be nice to offer your assistance for that. But how would you go about it? After all, they can quite easily sneak a cigarette away from you if they want. 

Perhaps they’ll also choose different methods to get started, like investing in Cheap Bulk Buy E Liquids Online But we think some of the following advice could help you avoid seeming like a tyrant forcing them to change, and more of the friend they need:

How To Help A Smoker In Your Life Quit

Become An Accountability Partner

This doesn’t mean you’re hovering over them, waiting to catch them in a weak moment, but rather offering steady encouragement. We all need that sometimes, getting rid of a habit or not. Sometimes all someone needs is to know that someone else is rooting for them and checking in occasionally to see how they’re doing.

For example, you could agree on a weekly check-in, where they share their progress or struggles and perhaps you share yours as you also go through a health improvement schedule of your own, like losing weight. That way you’re partners not just a student and teacher.

Start A New Hobby Alongside Them

There’s a school of thought that says if you want to get rid of a habit, you have to replace it with a new one. Introducing a new, positive activity into your life can help your friend focus their energy on something productive alongside you, making that call to smoke less appealing.

Fitness class

This could be varied, from joining a fitness class to starting a book club or even taking up a creative hobby like painting with you, the important thing is to be involved and to make it sustainable. If it can be fun and demand attention, that’s all the better. Maybe you just go to the cinema on Tuesdays. That can be enough.

Help Them During Times Of Weakness

You don’t want to seem like a nag. It will just harm your bond. If they have a slip-up or go back to an old habit, remind them that it’s part of the process and not the end of the world. That way, they won’t feel ashamed to admit it to you.

How To Help A Smoker In Your Life Quit

You can also help by noticing any triggers they have. For instance, if stress makes them want to smoke or snack on junk food, offer to go for a walk with them or suggest a movie night to distract them, or simply let them know what you’ve noticed. It will help you offer better and more precise help.

Final Thoughts : How To Help A Smoker In Your Life Quit

With this advice, you’ll be more certain to help that smoker in your life quit. Hey, perhaps they’ll return a similar favor one day.

How To Help A Smoker In Your Life Quit

I hope you enjoyed this article about How To Help A Smoker In Your Life Quit and have a look here for more of our fitness features.

I’m Julia, the Senior Managing Editor and I can’t wait to share some more articles with you again soon! In the meantime you can find more luxury style, lifestyle and travel inspiration on  “The Velvet Runway” .

Thank you for reading 

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How To Help A Smoker In Your Life Quit