Looking and Feeling Better: 11 Tips To Be Your Best Self in Summer 2023

By Julia Rees, Senior Managing Editor

Posted on 5 min read

Welcome back to The Code of Style, and this feature about Looking and Feeling Better: 11 Tips To Be Your Best Self in Summer 2023.

As the days are getting warmer and longer, it could not be more obvious that summer is just around the corner! And, now that winter is over, there is no better time to start focusing on our mental and physical well-being. 

Fortunately, there are a few, easy-to-follow strategies that can help you improve your appearance, emotional health, and self-confidence. In this guide, we’ll look at 11 tips and tricks that can help you improve your lifestyle and routine in 2023. Let’s get started!

Looking and Feeling Better: 11 Tips To Be Your Best Self in Summer 2023

Tips To Be Your Best Self in Summer 2023

Practice Acceptance

According to recent estimations, nearly 80% of Americans feel unsatisfied with how they look. And, if you are in this percentage of the population, the chances are that you’ve tried different methods to improve your appearance. However, a lot of it comes down to how you see yourself! 

So, the first step to looking and feel better before summer comes is to start practicing acceptance! Learning to love your body’s unique features can go a long way to help you build confidence, self-love, and self-esteem. So, start here!

Make Physical Activity Part of Your Routine

As the torpor of winter is melting away, you should make an effort to make physical activity part of your daily routine. Of course, moving your body and going to the gym can help you shed some extra weight and tone your muscles. But, even more importantly, physical exercise can help your body release feel-good chemicals such as endorphins. This can help you feel happier and boost your self-esteem. 

How to Find Time for Your Health in a Busy Schedule

What’s more, living an active lifestyle can do wonders to help you keep diseases and injuries at bay!

Invest in the Right Procedures

While acceptance is key, there are some cosmetic procedures that can help you feel more in line with your body and mind. For example, rhinoplasty techniques can help you improve the shape and function of your nose. Laser eye surgeries might be the answer to help you rediscover the beauty of your eyes. And for your teeth, teeth whitening tools or porcelain veneers canimprove the look of your smile.  Consider investing in one or more of these procedures to boost your appearance and self-confidence.

Work on Improving Your Morning and Bedtime Routine

Feeling great throughout the day comes down to improving your early morning and bedtime routine. Waking up in the right way and ensuring that you have plenty of time to wind down naturally at nighttime can help you improve your energy levels, boost relaxation, and manage stress. 

Some key tips to make the most of routine include:

  • Make your room a screen-free room
  • Keep your room dark at night and leverage natural light
  • Adjust your home’s temperature
  • Start your morning with a relaxing and mindful activity, such as journaling
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine, especially before going to sleep

Keep consistent with your routine and try to wake up and go to sleep at the same time each day!

Practice Stress Management Techniques (i.e.: Meditation)

Although stress is a normal part of life, it is important to understand how to manage it properly. Indeed, the stress you are experiencing can be positive fuel throughout the day or lead to inflammation, a higher risk of disease, and poorer mental health. 

Tips To Be Your Best Self in Summer 2023

If you are unsure how to manage your stress levels, consider trying some stress management techniques such as mindful meditation, yoga, pilates, or tai chi. You may also consider spending time outside, moving your body regularly, and quitting alcohol or caffeine.

Spend Time With Your Friends and Family

Spending time with your friends and family can help you build a reliable support network and ensure that you lead a healthy social life. While we might all get caught in the hustle and bustle of daily life, make sure you set some time apart each day to contact your friends, catch up with your loved ones, and dedicate time to your parents or siblings.

Take a Hard Look at Your Diet

Your diet will impact all aspects of your life. Firstly, eating healthily can help you maintain a healthy weight and ensure that you lower your risk of diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular issues. 

Tips To Be Your Best Self in Summer 2023

Additionally, a nutritious, well-balanced diet will prevent nutritional deficiencies and ensure that you can count on sustained levels of energy throughout the day. 

When it comes down to adjusting your diet, the first and most important step to take is to partner with a specialized nutritionist. However, generally, you can start seeing benefits by choosing foods that are whole, natural, minimally processed, and free of refined sugars.

Spend More Time in Nature

According to a study published in Nature magazine, spending as little as 120 minutes in nature every week can help you improve your overall mental and physical health. Spending time outdoors or in a natural environment can boost your mood, decrease stress levels, and boost the production of feel-good hormones. If you are unsure how to get started, consider organizing hiking, trekking, or camping trips with your friends. Alternatively, consider taking regular walks through a local park or nature reserve. 

How To Balance Life Online And Offline

Making this part of your routine can also help you discover natural gems in your local area!

Update Your Wardrobe – Sustainably!

When it comes down to updating your look in 2023, a lot will depend on your wardrobe! Dressing for your body type, enhancing your proportions, and choosing colors that compliment your complexion can help. Make sure to make your wardrobe revamp more eco-friendly by choosing high-quality items, avoiding fast fashion trends, and opting for second-hand or pre-loved items. 

Take Up a New Hobby or Activity

If you are looking for a strategy to boost your self-confidence and improve your routine, there is nothing better than taking up a new hobby or activity. Whether it’s a team sport, gardening, or learning a language, learning something new can help you safeguard your cognitive health, find new friends, and boost your skill set.

Plan Vacations and Activities in Advance

While we all perceive summer to be a period of relaxation, this season can also be extremely stressful. Indeed, during the summer months, your schedule will be packed with social activities, meet-ups, festivals, and occasions to spend time outside. Without adequate planning, this can add to the stress of your everyday life and take a toll on your mental and physical health. 

To safeguard your well-being, plan your summer vacation now and start crafting a balanced calendar of events that meet your expectations.

In Conclusion

We hope you found this article about Looking and Feeling Better: 11 Tips To Be Your Best Self in Summer 2023 helpful and that it gave you some ideas on how you can best make time to take care of your health, both now and in the future, and you can have a look here for more of our health and wellness features.

I’m Julia, the Senior Managing Editor and I can’t wait to share some more articles with you again soon! In the meantime you can find more style, lifestyle and travel inspiration on  “The Velvet Runway” .

Thank you for reading 

Website: The Velvet Runway  , Instagram : @thevelvetrunway

Featured source: Freepik

How to Find Time for Your Health in a Busy Schedule
Looking and Feeling Better: 11 Tips To Be Your Best Self in Summer 2023