Welcome back to The Code of Style, and this feature about Signs That Your Weight Loss Goals Are Too Unrealistic.
Setting weight loss goals is important to keep track of your progress. Hitting goals feels great from an emotional standpoint, and it’s a fantastic way to motivate yourself to keep going and lose more weight. However, there are times when people set goals that are too unrealistic. These unrealistic goals can negatively affect you both mentally and physically. It can cause frustration, and mental health issues, and even cause you to give up if you don’t see any regular progress.
Let’s explore some signs that show that your weight loss goals are far too unrealistic.
Signs That Your Weight Loss Goals Are Too Unrealistic

Drastically cutting calories usually doesn’t work
If you’ve done any research into weight loss then you’ll know that cutting calories is the best way to burn body fat. This seems really simple because you can just stop eating certain foods, thus reducing your caloric intake which results in weight loss. Unfortunately, drastic cuts in your calorie count are incredibly taxing on your body, especially if you’ve grown accustomed to a certain caloric intake per day. When you cut a huge number of calories, your body will have a difficult time keeping up with regular bodily functions.

Instead of trying to make drastic changes to your caloric intake, make slow and sustainable changes. Remember; weight loss isn’t a race, it’s a lifelong journey of switching to better habits for a healthier body.
Unrealistic time frames for your weight loss goals
Unless you’ve personally been through the process of losing weight, there’s really no telling how quickly or slowly you might lose weight. Before you ever try to measure these factors, it’s common to set yourself unrealistic goals such as losing a certain number of pounds every week. Not only are these goals usually incredibly hard to reach, your weight loss figures can change from week to week due to how our bodies work. You may experience a quick and significant drop in your weight by switching to a certain diet, but then the losses will start to slow down.
If you want to set more realistic goals, then you should seek professional assistance from services like Medical Weight Loss Solutions. This will help you set more realistic timeframes to help you achieve your weight loss goals safely and consistently. Remember that everyone’s weight loss journey is different and can be heavily influenced by factors like genetics or metabolism.
Treating a diet as a short-term process

One of the biggest mistakes people make when dieting is thinking of it as a short-term process. Dieting isn’t about cutting certain foods for a few weeks–it’s about cutting them out forever. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should remove unhealthy foods forever. Instead, you should actually embrace them as staple foods.
The focus should be on how to incorporate those foods into your diet without them negatively affecting you. For instance, treating yourself to sweet treats once or twice every week is much better than eating them every day.

The goal here is to make sustainable long-term changes, not drastic alterations to your diet that only last for a week or two.
In Conclusion
We hope you found this article about Signs That Your Weight Loss Goals Are Too Unrealistic helpful and that it gave you some ideas on how you can best make time to take care of your health, both now and in the future, and you can have a look here for more of our health and wellness features.
I’m Julia, the Senior Managing Editor and I can’t wait to share some more articles with you again soon! In the meantime you can find more style, lifestyle and travel inspiration on “The Velvet Runway” .
Thank you for reading

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