Welcome back to The Code of Style, and this feature about Small Details, Big Impact: How Little Things Can Make Your Travel Experience Better
Travel isn’t always about the big ticket items. It’s also about the little things that make the experience great “in the moment.”
But what are these little things that can have a big impact on your adventures? That’s the topic of this post. Read on to learn more.
Small Details, Big Impact: How Little Things Can Make Your Travel Experience Better
Pack Smart
One of the best things you can do is to pack smart. Packing is an art and a science, and it can make or break your trip.
For instance, you don’t want to overpack and lug around a heavy suitcase, but you also don’t want to under-pack and miss out on essential items. The trick here is to pack something for every eventuality. You want versatile, comfortable, and durable clothing that all works together, preparing you for various occasions and weather conditions.

It’s also smart to pack some travel accessories that can make your life easier as you make your way around the planet. Good items to have with you include a power bank, a travel pillow, a reusable water bottle, and a portable speaker. If you can find a bottle with an in-built water filter, even better!
Plan Ahead
No surprises, planning is crucial for any successful trip. However, you don’t need to be stressed out or rigid with it. (There’s no need to type up spreadsheets, allocating an activity for every hour of the day).
The trick here is to have a general idea of what you want to see and do in your destination, but you also want to leave some room for spontaneity and flexibility. For instance, it’s fun to just go off the beaten track and explore a new area.
There are online tools and apps to research and book your flights, accommodation, transportation, and activities in advance, but these are rarely comprehensive. That’s why we suggest you just ask locals for tips when you arrive.
Also, don’t forget the season and the weather forecast. Remember, not all countries have temperate seasons, so you could be in for a shock!
Lastly, plan your money. Check the exchange rate in the weeks running up to your trip to get the best rate. With international credit cards, you don’t always need to pay extra commission for cash.
Get Your Room Sorted
The next little thing that can make a massive difference is your room. If it feels good, then you’re much more likely to enjoy your trip. Look for hotels offering Serta pillow top beds, wall-mounted TVs, fresh linen, and a sophisticated bathroom that offers more than just a toilet.
Once you’re in a great room, it can change how you feel about the entire trip. You feel relaxed, happy, and ready to take on the challenges of the day.
Be Present

Another way to make your travel experience better is to be fully present and mindful of your surroundings. Try to avoid the temptation to explore places through your smartphone or camera. Even better, leave them at home. Immerse yourself “in the moment” and appreciate the beauty and diversity of the world around you. Practice mindfulness by taking deep breaths, observing your senses, meditating, or just being grateful for the ability to travel.
If you struggle to be present, you might want to practice a bit before you go. Spending a few minutes focusing on what’s happening now instead of what could happen, or what happened in the future, can help.
Do Something New That Blows Your Mind
Another small thing that makes your travel experience better is to do something new. This way, you can challenge yourself and expand your horizons.
You don’t have to do something new every day. However, you want to do something that pushes your boundaries and challenges you. For instance, you might:
- Learn a new language
- Try a new activity
- Eat some new food
- Do something that scares you a little, such as bungee jumping, scuba diving, or solo traveling
Really, it’s up to you. That’s because you never know what you might discover or learn about yourself when you travel.
Have Some Fun
Something small like having fun can also make or break a great trip. Traveling is supposed to be enjoyable and memorable, not stressful and boring. That’s the whole reason why you leave your home country behind and do something new. You want to be open-minded and curious about different cultures and people and you want to make friends and connections along the way. It’s also a good idea to indulge your passions and hobbies. When you’re working full-time, it’s really hard to fully invest in anything other than your job. That’s why it’s essential to do it while you’re on vacation.

You could also treat yourself to fun activities from time to time. Why not go for a spa day or take yourself to a delicious dinner somewhere? You deserve it!
Be Respectful

Being respectful is a small thing, but it’s one of those attitudes that can make your travel experience so much better. Take care of the people, places, and cultures you encounter on your journey. Remember, what you’re seeing is probably the only example of such things in the world.
It’s also a good idea to learn various basic phrases in the local language, such as hello, thank you, and sorry before you go. This way, you can navigate social situations a little better.
Also, it goes without saying that you should probably follow the local laws and regulations, and avoid any activities that may harm the environment or the animals. You don’t want to get into trouble while abroad because the punishments can be severe.
Be Open-Minded
Perhaps the best way to make your travel experience better, though, is to be open-minded. Once you’re prepared to accept whatever might happen, you automatically put yourself in a much better place mentally.
Finally, remember, travel itineraries don’t always go to plan. Things can and will go wrong from time to time. But that’s all part of the experience. And they can help make the adventure better.
We hope that you have found this article about Small Details, Big Impact: How Little Things Can Make Your Travel Experience Better helpful, and you can have a look here for more of our travel features.
I’m Julia, the Senior Managing Editor and I can’t wait to share some more articles with you again soon! In the meantime you can find more style, lifestyle and travel inspiration on “The Velvet Runway” .
Thank you for reading

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